Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve,...

Why Jekyll?

Well, I guess it’s quite obvious that I really enjoy working with Jekyll — with good reasons — so let me just briefly suggest some of the benefits of using a static site generator in favor of a heavy dynamic,...

Introducing Notepad

Notepad is a Jekyll theme which is very simple, clean and beautiful. This theme is good for any blog. Main Features: Zurb Foundation 5 - css framework Fullscreen post covers with header wich will be bright or dark according to...


General notes and suggestions for customizing HMFAYSAL Notepad Theme. Contents Basic Setup for a new Jekyll site Setup for an Existing Jekyll site Post Front Matter YAML Folder Structure Customization _config.yml Owner/Author Information Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools Top Navigation...

Post with Cover Image and Text

This is a sample post with a large feature image up top and tons of text. You can set post image covers by using only Kramdown narkdown, just place something like this: ![cover-image](http://path-to-your-image.jpg) Odio ad blue bottle vinyl, 90’s narwhal...